Hopefully, no one out in internet land is hoping to be less prepared to take on life like a winner. If you are, sorry, this article's not for you. This article is for people who want to be ready for anything, impress those around them, and, even in a small way, save the day for someone in their lives. Today, I'll be posting five things you can fit in your wallet to make you a more prepared individual.
1. First Aid Supplies
This one may seem ambitious, but bear with me on this. I'm sticking this at number one because it's a very simple way to become drastically more prepared. Take half a dozen band-aids, and maybe a couple of individually wrapped alcohol wipes. You are now equipped to handle small scrapes. This is less a triage solution, and more a way of containing blood quickly. Plus, when someone needs a band-aid, the guy who doesn't even have to get up to help is going to be invaluable.
2. Car Key
Real quick, think of the last time you locked your keys in your car. I'm betting most of you didn't lock your wallet in with them, did you? This is a quick fix that you almost never need to think about and that can save a lot of hassle when the inevitable brain fart strikes. There are options in this as well. Need to loan out your car often? Get a traditional key. Worried about theft? Ask when getting the spare key cut if your make, model, and year allows for the cutting of a key that only works the doors, not the ignition. I speak from experience when I say that a peek in the wallet is quicker than a call to a locksmith.
3. Cash
Cash in a wallet, crazy, right? Thing is: this isn't your walking around money, this is your "there's a problem with your card" money. This is the money that helps you avoid awkward situations when your card information gets frozen unexpectedly for strange purchases, or when you come up short by surprise. $20 is probably sufficient for single people, $40 for guys in a relationship (higher on date night itself), and, of course, your mileage may vary. That all being said, cash always spends.
4. To-do Lists
This can be anything: your honey-do list, shopping list, a print-out of your workout regimen, even your life goals or bucket list would be appropriate to keep here. Any list that you'd like to get done, and that may just have to happen when you get a spare moment, is useful to keep in your wallet. Think about it. You always have your wallet, which means that if the opportunity unexpectedly presents itself to get something on the list done, there's no stopping to try and remember what it was you wrote a month ago, or two months, or two years.
5. Duct Tape
Obviously, you won't put a roll of duct tape into your wallet; but, if you peel it off the roll, and fold it very precisely in multiple layers to the length of a credit card, and just a little thicker, you'll probably be walking around with a good few yards of the stuff, rolled up nicely and tucked away in your back pocket. This way, when something comes loose, you're on the spot, ready to apply recklessly indiscriminate adhesive to the problem.
With all these, you will, by default, have your basic response to a lot of problems on you and ready to go. Good luck in the wide world. Did I miss any great ideas for wallet sized solutions to life's problems? Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments below.
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